20 June 2006

Facebook Groups

This post was deleted. It was archived by Kevin. Just e-mail him to read it.

12 June 2006


I don’t know about other people, but I enjoy helping others. I get a good feeling after I do something nice. I don’t care if it is as small as opening a door for someone else or giving to the offering on Sundays. I think it is necessary for people in general to help others.

I will spend my mornings this week assisting in the Crafts during Vacation Bible School at my Church. It is (only) a few hours each day. For the next year afterwards, I will feel good that I helped. That’s all for now. As is often the case, more later. Kevin.

11 June 2006

To Begin, First of all

Alright, here is where it might begin. Then again maybe I will change my mind to start tomorrow or next week. I am not that great at writing in a diary or journal or Blog. I would use MySpace, but it is in the news too much. Little girls that lied in order to sign up are being abducted by old guys. Or some news story like that.

Does anyone ever feel like they have just done something, just to find out that you haven't but you dreamed it? What about thought you haven't asked something when you have. Like, I ask my mom 'What's for dinner' or something. Then 10 seconds later I can't remember what she said. It's weird. Sometimes I also can't remember if or when I did something. I can't find some papers or a pen or CD. I know I put it somewhere that I would remember, but I can't. Maybe I need a psychologist. Or I just don't know. Maybe I have multiple personalities but I know I do, so it is not realy two but two halves of one. Am I making any sense?

More to come,

09 June 2006

Hello World.

Hello viewing public.

The first big thing that most computer programmers do is create a program that displays a message back to the programmer. That First message is always Hello World".

I have a few things buzzing on my mind right now. At some point I will put them all up here. After that is accomplished, I will probably forget about this blog, just to warn you ahead of time. Also, I write in very clear, structured sentences, at least usually. So if I am more formal than you prefer, too bad.

Thanks for reading.
